What He Shows Us

I firmly believe that God continuously speaks to us, and while it’s not always this loud voice we often imagine it will be (although, nothing is impossible with God), more often times He shows us. He shows us in our dreams, He shows us through our creativity, He shows us in His Word, He shows us through others etc. The point is that He SHOWS us! Now, whether we always see it, well, that’s something else.

Our walk with God is a life long journey, which means it is progressive. What my eyes and heart were open to see today may not be the same tomorrow, and isn’t that the point? To draw closer to Him everyday in which we can become a little more Christ-like, progressively. This journey isn’t always easy and it certainly does not come without process. However, I believe that the more we can be honest with ourselves and one another, the more room we give God to guide us, grow us and prune us into the people we are called to be.